Keerthi Kodithuwakku is a biomedical engineer, the co-founder and CEO of Jendo Innovations, a bio-medical startup delivering patented healthcare solutions detecting abnormalities in the cardiovascular system and seeking to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
His strong passion for biomedical engineering resisted adverse advice from some senior advisors in the healthcare industry about the lack of prospects in biomedical engineering in Sri Lanka. Along with a like-minded group of engineers, he followed his dream of providing a solution to help solve medical conditions. In their research and entrepreneurial journey, Keerthi said that he found strength and motivation through the strong support of his wife, family, friends, and coworkers in overcoming the obstacles faced when developing Jendo Innovations.
AI in cardiology – A Steppingstone for Jendo Innovations
The key developers of Jendo innovations: Keerthi Kodithuwakku, Isuru Rajakaruna, and Charith Vithanage found the most amount of inspiration towards the end of their tenure in undergraduate studies at the University of Moratuwa. This is when they started working on an artificial intelligence-based device identifying abnormalities in the cardiovascular system to predict the risk of disease.
Straight out of university, in 2015, Keerthi co-founded Jendo Innovations with his co-inventors along with Heminda Jayaweera, and Vinod Samarawikrama to commercialize the invention. Keerthi, now 32, said “another motive behind the formation of a registered company was to create a platform and provide opportunities for upcoming biomedical engineers in Sri Lanka to be a part of the Jendo Innovations journey and make good use of their intellectual resources and improve the overall standard of biomedical engineering in the country.”
Cardiovascular Diseases: The No.1 Killer in the World
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. While managing lifestyles and diets can help reduce the risk of CVDs, understanding the current condition of our blood vessels remains challenging. Existing test procedures are invasive, expensive, and inconvenient, making regular health monitoring difficult.
Endothelial Dysfunction, Disease Tattling
Cardiovascular diseases are silent killers, as they often go unnoticed for 20 to 30 years. The progressive worsening of the patient’s conditions goes through multiple stages, from inflammation to the formation of plaque, to the stiffening of walls, ultimately leading to life-threatening blood clots.
To learn more about Jendo’s journey and success, check out the following articles: